Life is simple, it's only our approach and actions those make it difficult. Here are some suggestions that you can follow to make it simple:
1. Do whatever you want, experience everything and decide by yourself what you really want to do. Parents can guide you but cannot decide what your interest should be.
2. Follow your interests and if something doesn't interest you, say strict no to that.
3. Don't chase the money, let the money chase you by doing things that interests you the most.
4. Make healthy relations instead of running after money or sex because these things ultimately aren't going to make you happy.
5. Set your goals as you want it to be, make as much efforts you can make to achieve it and never worry about the results as results are not in our hands, it's the effort that we can do to make it possible. So, try to be happy with the efforts that you made.
6. Take out the negativity from your mind and start approaching everything with great positivity because even the faliures make you learn a lot of things.
7. As you are unique, don't try to be like someone else. Be yourself and do whatever you are best at.
8. Prioritize family and friends over everything because they will never leave your side. So stop being busy in your work earning some extra peggy and start investing time with your family, then you will get to know at what expense you were earning that extra money.
9. Stop thinking about so many things that goes through your mind everytime; those things will just distract you and might make you feel low. Take a break and always stay focussed on what you want.
10. Let go of your ego and behave normally with everyone because at the end it will hurt you only.